Personal Privacy Laws and Your Small Business

There’s a lot personal data that your business collects as part of running small-scale businesses. Certain information may be considered sensitive, which is a category of data that gets additional protection under the privacy laws. The laws vary from country to country, as do the types of information that are considered to be personal.

Different privacy laws define sensitive information differently however, typically it covers things like genetic information and racial background as well as sexual orientation, gender identity and religious beliefs. It could also include the address of a person’s residence as well as a phone number or social security number. It could even contain biometric information like fingerprints or an electronic signature.

The laws governing personal information will vary by region and industry, however it’s crucial for companies to know what types of information they are required to protect. Many of these laws will require that you outline your policies and have employees be able to accept them as a part of doing business with you.

It’s a great idea to conduct an inventory of the personal data that your business has. This will allow you to ensure that you are compliant. This means more than taking stock of what’s in your file cabinets, and searching for data saved on mobile devices, laptops, home computers, flash drives or digital copiers. You’ll be surprised by how much personal information your company has.


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